Tuesday, 11 May 2010

You Couldn't Make It Up #2

Having had a little, no massive pain on the joint of my big toe, the good Doctor decided to offer me some painkillers should this occasional occurence visit me again.

Naproxen tablets is what she recommended. Before a prescription could be printed, I asked if they were available over the counter as it might save a few bob.

Indeed they were. So off I trotted to the chemist who promptly refused to serve me.

It turns out that Naproxen are exactly and I do mean exactly the same tablets used to relieve period pain. Yet they are not to be dished out to all and sundry. Just to women in need.

She made the point that I didn't appear to be showing any signs of menstrual tension (admittedly difficult in the case of a grumpy old man). Which I suppose was my opportunity to say "While I'm here, I'll have a pack of Feminax for my wife"

But even if had chosen this option, there's always the possibilty of an embarassing moment down the pub... your big toe starts throbbing and in front of all your mates, you reach for the Feminax.

Not quite the solution I was looking for.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

American English

America and Britain are two nations divided by a common language. It's been said many times and once again we have proof.

This time it comes from a U.S. Government spokesman at a press conference regarding the attempted bombing in Times Square.

He said "This investigation is ongoing, multi-faceted and aggressive."

Well I'm sure it is. Although I can't help feeling that this statement of the bleeding obvious doesn't really give much away.

Plain speaking that's what we need. Or do we? The Labour candidate for Norfolk North West who in the same news bulletin, calls Gordon Brown "Britain's worst ever Prime Minister" has left no room for ambiguity. Interesting timing though